Stuff to read
The Curious Case of Barking Spiders in Cascade, Maryland. 1990. (autofiction)
Spring 2024
A very sweet but odd romantic story in the Applachian Mountains of Maryland to be published in the Red Headed Writing Anthology. Available on Amazon.
No Devil Shall Get His Apocalypse (speculative fiction)
June 2022
TW: allusion to DV, allusion to mass shooting. _________New story at The Blotter. It's not new new. Much of it first drafted in 2010, before I attended university. Part Iliad, part Beatrice Tinsley, part Nick Bostrom. Part observations of people I know.
The Pickup Artist (creative nonfiction)
may 2022
Unless you count the Bronco story, this is my first published memoir, and my first nonfic piece since college. Gender is weird. Bisexuality makes gender even weirder. I'm drunk in this piece. Many details are drunk, too. I've spent most of my life feeling ugly and trying to make up for it. Enjoy! (or don't). I had massive stage fright with this piece. A big shout out to Roi Faneant for taking a risk with me.
The Origin of Ridleymas (surrealist fiction)
SeptemBER 29, 2021
Ridley, the Patron monster of knowledge, barbecue, sacrifice, and husbands, came to us many years ago and offered himself to us. That is why we celebrate him. You have heard many stories but if it doesn’t come directly from Tartar Park, it’s probably not true.
The editor of The Sparrow's Trombone nominated me for the Pushcart. Alas, I did not win.
March 3, 2021
Stories No One Wants to Hear (fiction)
New fiction at King Ludd's Rag No. 4!!!! You can listen to a preview at video below or on Instagram.
Originally written in 2013, and a finalist for the Jimenez-Porter prize (judged by Elliott Holt), this story has been through a ton of revisions. This is an ensemble piece that borders to realistic to surrealistic and is an homage to the DMV.
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January, 1 2020
The Oracle and the Cherry Woman (fiction)
January 28, 1986 affected everyone. No one was prepared. Not NASA, not every student who watched the tragedy. Not the teachers. Not the parents of the children. Especially Charles, a single father, who was just hoping cash in on prophecy and pizza.“The Oracle and the Cherry Woman” has been described as a dark and zany comedy on the back drop of tragedy. It was published in the January 2020 issue of The Blotter out of North Carolina.You can view the magazine’s pdf in the viewer below by clicking on the magazine’s cover or download the whole thing here:
December 2018
How To Repair the Timing Belt on a 1984 Ford Bronco (autofiction)
What happens when two white people, one progressive and one conservative try to repair a timing belt on 1984 Ford Bronco? Well, for starters, Ford Broncos don’t have timing belts. And the story only gets weirder from there...
The Blotter Magazine out of Chapel Hill, North Carolina has published a story of mine in the following link:
FALL 2014
Profile of Ann Beattie that I wrote for Literary Maryland Online
Deadlands 2: Trapped (extra)
October 31, 2008
Amazon and Septic (poetry)
September 20, 2007
In the late 1990s, Stevenson flirted heavily with experimental poetry. Amazon ended up being lyrics to a song by Aerchive (found here), and Septic was probably my very first publication, originally published in 1998. Amazon was published in the Book of Yow Book 6 on September 20, 2007 and Septic in Book 5 on July 28, 2006.
September 1999
Anarchism (nonfiction)
A blast from the past. While many writers his age were attending college, C Ben Stevenson was working Quebecor World and identifying as a rural anarchist. He wrote this piece for Gothic Fanzine "Gothism" at the request of the editor.
February 1999
No Convenience Necessary (fiction)
My very first fiction publication. It's definitely juvenelia. I was extremely lucky to score this acceptance.